Reasons Why Women Dump Men

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reasons why women dump menReasons Why Women Dump Men – Relationship is one thing that both men and women rush into, yet just as they rush in, so they are also heartbreaks and breakups and both men and women ends up getting hurt.

The reasons for this hurts could range from minute matters to also complicated and complex matters.

And this has led to very few relationships being sustained.

But the women have been major culprits on walking out of relationships and they sure have their reasons for walking out.

Women could hold on to things that weight little and yet not hold to weightier matters to heart.

In summary, women are unpredictable and this makes it difficult to pinpoint the reasons behind their leaving a relationship.

The unpredictability of the female gender is as the result of the fact that they different to issues differently.

What one may take as trivial, the other may take as serious and unpardonable.

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But some of the reasons we can say apply to the majority of women dumping their relationships include;

  • When a woman discovers that her man is having an affair outside or affairs (the worst case scenario), she hardly thinks of anything else than to dump the relationship. To many women, the unpardonable sin is break of trust or cheating. This will result to them staying away from the man totally.
  • When a lady discovers that her man has been lieing to her, or he was pretending to be of a good countenance, it breaks the trust she has for him. Some men are good at starting a relationship with lies so in order to sustain the relationship they have to continue with the lies
  • A lady sees a break of promise r commitment as a big deal and to them, it is an act of distrust and they are very intolerant with anyone who makes promises or commitment and doesn’t keep to it.

A lady doesn’t want to be caged

  • Women love their freedom and are sensitive to anything that seems like it is reducing the freedom they have. So also, any man who’s aim is to control and domineer a woman, the women don’t keep quiet and watch. They won’t stay under a man who demands submission and is authoritative in the relationship. They prefer being single than being in such bondage.
  • Some men are so domineering that even when a woman goes out and makes some money, they still want to control her and her earnings. It is good for both parties to be able to share their earnings and also have financial understanding but when he begins to request for her money, he has over-stepped his boundaries. And this is another reason why women quit their relationships
  • To a woman, to be in a relationship is not the same as being a slave and they will not condone when a man begins to portray such notions by dominating and controlling her life and using her to satisfy his sexual desires. This to them is not worth it so the relationship can go.


  • Women are more likely to dump a man who leaves all the responsibilities to the woman. A man who is not responsible enough financially, still doesn’t help with some house duties, rather he walks about aimlessly has more chances of being dumped
  • Responsibility just doesn’t mean providing all the material supplies to home and supporting the partner financially. Being responsible on the health, emotions etc… are essential. When women feel they are not concerned or taken care of properly, they may get away from the relationship seeking a better partner.
  • It is not out of place to think that some women will want all their needs to be met by the man but that is not responsibility. To be responsible in some areas of life is paramount like in the case of health, emotions, chores etc. because when a woman doesn’t feel cared for, there is nothing that will make meaning to her, even if you buy her an expensive gift.


Women will naturally want to depend on their man for their every need and they expect their partner to also be up to the test.

So when their partner seems not to be able to meet up to their immediate or current they especially when it is very important, they begin to lose interest in their partner and the next action is to dump the man.

Excessive Laws

Some men, due to their insecurity come up with unspeakable rules that their partner is to follow and live by.

Such things makes the woman feel like she has been caged and relationship that is supposed to make her happy only brings her more sorrow.

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When the freedom of the lady is choked by the rules, she loses interest in the relationship and will want to follow the exit door.

For any rules to be taken, it has to be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.

Is important you build your relationship favorably so that both parties will be happy.

Written by Francisca Olisakwe

The post Reasons Why Women Dump Men appeared first on NaijaMusic.

by NaijaMusic Desk via NaijaMusic
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