How to Make a Relationship a Success – Whatever may be the type of relationship that you are in, each one has certain guidelines to be followed, which if don perfectly can lead to the most happening relationship of your life.
You can be into various kinds of relationships like friendship, marriage, love, parents and many more.
In each relation do take care of following these footsteps to be a success.
• You must be realistic: the best thing to be in a relationship is to know what you want from the relation and what are the inputs that you will put in.
You should not feel disappointed and on a verge confusion whether your friend is a true one or a false one, thus before you make a friend, be sure what you want from him or her, rather than blaming your fate later on.
You should have an idea of people you want to be with and then you have to visit places where you will them.
• You must be authentic, by this I mean you should have those qualities within you which are looking people to have in them before you can get into a relationship with them.
It is not always that you are looking for certain characteristics in people; they are also hunting for someone that can match their criteria.
Thus you should have those things in you before you approach people with certain qualities.
This is why some people say that “I AM WHAT I AM”, which means that they are ready to be in a relationship with people of their types.
• You have to be open in a relationship.
People like to sit around you to explore you which are the same reason why you sit around them, so let them explore and you explore them.
You must have an idea of how to share things.
Sharing is the most important aspect in a relationship.
You have to talk, listen and ask questions.
Asking questions is the best way you can make bonds with the person.
But here is the cache, you should not be too frank and too much into haring that the next person feels like sitting in a ceremony listening to the best man.
So try to be frank and share but in the allowed limits of decency.
• You have to be tactful in a relationship.
Though it may sound bit harsh but yes you have to control the timing of you emotions.
You cannot load the person with you grievances when the same person is suffering from a set back.
This will further make him or her mad.
Thus you should always analyze that whatever you are going to say may hurt others, and hence it should be in a polite manner.
You have to be very sensitive while dealing with relationships and must not force some or flood your emotions on some one who doesn’t seems interested.
• You must go with the flow of the relationships.
The person who can be comfortable in any scenario emerges as the winner ultimately.
While in a relationship you have to do certain things that you never did in you life, but you will find that they are also if done with bit of excitement.
For an example you might not have been to a night club before due to any reason, but when your partner asks you, you must experience it once to understand the reason why your partner does likes to be there.
May be then you also like to be there regularly, this is what we call going with the flow.
At times you have to go that extra mile to let that person know that you love him or her.
This might be doing something you have never done or being open to their friends and things like that.
These little things in life counts a lot to the person you are doing them for.
• You have to be accountable in a relationship by keeping your promises and doing what you said you will do.
Finally you have to be patient enough for your partner and should trust you partner in any case.
Relationship can be termed as when allies or buddies have faith on each other.
These relations work on the commitment between the two or more cronies.
One can enjoy these healthy relations with fullness of love, affection, excitement and pleasure.
To start with nourishing relation there must be several criteria;-
1. Love – This is the most important summit between two partners.
How much one devotes to other tells the amount of love and affection among the two.
2. Appreciation – There must be a proper appreciation or approval between you and your partners that how much you love them and try to reflect it without any hesitation.
This shows that you are sensitive enough for your partner and also always try to pretend it.
3. Responsibility – Be responsible for your accomplishment.
What you do you should have a complete respond to it.
It doesn’t mean you have to blame your partner rather if you have done something wrong to your partner just commit your mistakes without insulting him/her.
This will give betterment to your relation and will make it strong.
4. Communication – Obligation needs to be spoken.
You have to reveal each other about your commitments.
If you have qualms in your relation just confer sometime to realize on it.
For this you should have proper communication between you and your partner to erase misunderstanding (if so created) and show how much feeling your relation have for each other.
5. Trust – Trust is the most vital element for the attainment of strong relation.
Envy feeling is usual emotion but it is upon you how you react to it and handle the situation wisely and smartly.
6. Mutual Understanding – Proper understanding and respecting each other makes bond mutually strong.
Show kindness and passion to your partner.
Always be there when the circumstances are getting against your relation or with your partners.
This will show a proper understanding.
There must be a symbiotic relation between the two to enjoy their life.
7. Forgiveness – It is very important that you try to forgive and forget the mistakes done by your partner.
Make your relation work on simple idiom LETS BYGONES BE BYGONES.
8. Ignore Expectations – Relations are not a game or a race so you should stop expecting the things which you want from your partner if he/she have trust or faith on you will get all what you want but you should provide some time to make him/her feel comfortable with you.
At times it’s very difficult to find the right person.
It’s just like searching a section of mystery and when you find the right person you are mentally balanced and try to bring the relation to the best of your efforts.
Now the very important question arises how to build up a trust in a relationship?
When mistrust occurs in your relation there are several factors which can be causing it.
Unless we comprehend where these feelings are coming from, it’s very simple to exploit out, blaming your partners and lay all type of noxious demands upon them.
We feel that they are cheating us even if they are not.
When feelings of mistrust provokes it starts to create more and more limitations upon the partner, insist more information and make them feel uncomfortable.
This can often creates beginning of the end.
When we try to capture ones independence, sooner or later one’s feels trapped.
Not only this destroys partner’s trust but can easily make relation insecure for the future.
The finest way to widen trust is to build a proper understanding and obeying some of the basic laws of love.
Loving another person doesn’t mean possessing him/her or trying them to make you feel better for yourself only, this is not love but you are just using that person for fulfillment of your demands.
We all must expand our fundamental trust and faith in our partners and ourselves from within.
If the partner is not trustworthy or he/she shows gawky behavior then it just going to damage relation so it’s up to you to judge whether your relation is going to the right path or not.
Some of the person is crammed with mistrust because they healed the past hurts about being embittered from their former relationships.
Then they venture there hurts upon the partner they are with now.
A present relation cannot seize away the old wounds.
Every individual should take time and responsibility to get start with a new relationship and should not correlate it with their previous relation.
Sooner or later they must appreciate that their partner is different and situation is new.
There are several ways to put up self esteem and to feel secure once again.
As one do workouts in gym, one should also work for himself emotionally to assemble the strength to fight against the fear and negativity.
One of the most important exercise is to look the positive points in your partner rather noticing the negatives, this will provide a drastic increase in your strength and also helps to eradicate the fear or pain that you are carrying it with you from your past relation.
If one is calm and positive.
Then he can make relation healthier and constructive.
The post How to Make a Relationship a Success appeared first on NaijaMusic.
by NaijaMusic Desk via NaijaMusic
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