It’s wrong refusing to defend someone accused of corruption — Tayo Oyetibo (SAN)

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A Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Tayo Oyetibo, speaks with TOFARATI IGE about his career, his relationship with the late Gani Fawehinmi and other issues

What are some of the memorable experiences you can recall of your childhood?

One particular incident I remember clearly was when I was in primary school, either in the first or second year. Usually then, at the end of the term, the names of students who did well were usually called out during a special event to mark the end of the term. On that particular occasion, my name was called but I was too young to appreciate why they were calling me. I was supposed to go out on the podium but I just didn’t know what to do at the time. Years later, whenever I remembered that incident, I marvel at how childish I was.

Which schools did you attend?

I attended St. Joseph Primary School in Ondo for my elementary education. For my post-elementary education, I went to Ondo Grammar School. I later studied Law at the University of Lagos. Before that, I had done A levels at Methodist Boys High School, Lagos. After my national youth service, I went back for post-graduate studies at the University of Lagos.

However, something significant happened during that period that I would like to mention. After my first degree, I had applied to a number of universities, including Cambridge in the United Kingdom. At that time, we had started a project called the Digest of Supreme Court Cases (1956-1984). It was under the supervision of (the late) Chief Gani Fawehinmi; I started my practice in his chambers.

We were to digest all the judgments of the Supreme Court, both reported and unreported. We were in the course of that project when I was offered admission to Cambridge University. I had to consider whether to abandon the project and go to Cambridge or to do my postgraduate studies at UNILAG. I chose UNILAG and I thank God I made that choice. After the completion of the digest, it was like we had packed over 25 years experience into one year. We read all the judgments of the Supreme Court within that period and I don’t think I would have gotten that type of opportunity anywhere else. I worked with three other colleagues on the project and we were all deeply enriched by it. It laid a solid foundation for our practice. The book was eventually published in 10 volumes in September 1985. Meanwhile, we started work on it in August 1984.

What were your childhood ambitions?

I initially wanted to study Mass Communication but one incident happened that I would never forget and it was what gave me the inspiration to change to Law. In those days, the Foreign Exchange Anti-Sabotage Decree had just been passed during the administration of then military Head of State, Olusegun Obasanjo. A popular businessman in Lagos then was arrested and taken to Igbosere High Court in Lagos in a Black Maria. A lot of people gathered and started chanting ‘thief, thief, thief!’ The man kept protesting his innocence, saying that he was a businessman and  not a thief. I then saw a well-dressed barrister who approached the man and spoke with him. I was enthralled that someone could move close to somebody that was already condemned by the crowd without trial. On that day, I decided that I was going to study Law because lawyers always ensure that everybody gets to state their opinions.

Were you outspoken as a child?

I have never liked people being cheated and I have always spoken against it. I have also always wanted to be a man of myself. I don’t like being influenced by what other people do. I don’t follow the crowd. That also contributed to my decision to study Law.

Can you recall some of the childhood pranks you were involved in?

When I was in secondary school, we had a big poultry. It was the vogue then for male students to go to the poultry in the dead of night and try to capture and slaughter some chickens. Also back then in the boarding house, whenever we were to eat beans, the food would have been cooked overnight. Students often crept to the kitchen and tried to get beans in the middle of the night. However, the trick was that the students that attempted to get the food had to be big so that they would be able to lift the big iron lid of the pots and drop it without making any noise. However, most times, students were not able to drop the lid without making noise.

What can you recall of your time at the University of Lagos?

UNILAG was very bubbling then. We had a place called ‘Black Market’ close to the Faculty of Education. It was a very popular place that students often went to drink and socialise. In the daytime, you wouldn’t find anybody there but everything changes at night. We also had the buttery where people used to eat. Lagos was still very safe then and we often embarked on night outings. We would trek from school to a clubhouse in the Maye area of Yaba. We also used to go to Fela’s Shrine; it was around Ojuelegba then.

Were you involved in student union activities?

I was not a member of the student union executive but whenever there were protests, I always participated.

How did you begin your law career?

During my NYSC, I was posted to the Legal Aid Council. I remember the first criminal case I handled back then. It was a conflict between my moral values and professionalism. A certain man was charged with manslaughter and I was asked to defend him. An old woman was cooking in a village very close to Ile-Ife, Osun State, and at about 7pm, someone came from behind and dealt her several machete blows. She didn’t see the person but shortly after, someone saw the man, charged with the crime, running in the opposite direction.

When I was given the case, I was troubled when I saw the pictures of the victim. I wondered how someone could be so wicked to have done that. However, the training I had just gotten as a lawyer was not to allow personal prejudices to influence the discharge of my professional duties. The man was not found at the scene of the crime but he was being held on circumstantial evidence. Meanwhile, for circumstantial evidence to prove a crime, it must prove with mathematical accuracy that the accused, and no other person, could have committed the crime. I established that there was more than one route that led to the kitchen where the victim was working. That meant while my client was running westward, the real culprit could have been going eastward. I eventually won the case. Immediately the man was pronounced discharged and acquitted, he ran away from the dock and I never saw him since then. He had spent some years in prison; so, he didn’t want to take any chance that someone would decide to take him back to gaol.

After my national service, I joined Gani Fawehinmi Chambers and it was soon after that I did the work on the digest of Supreme Court cases. I rose to become the deputy head of the chambers before I left to start my own practice.

How did your experience at Gani Fawehinmi’s Chambers impact on the foundation of your career?

We worked on a lot of human rights cases. I must commend Chief Fawehinmi for something; he was not a hungry man. When you see a rich man fighting for the rights of the common man, then you would know that he is truly committed to that cause. It is common these days for people to agitate and when they find themselves in positions of authority, they disappoint the people. That tells you that it was because they lacked that they agitated. When you see someone, who is sufficiently endowed and he is still fighting, then you would know that he is following a true cause. That is the difference between Chief Fawehinmi and many others who claim to be activists. Gani used his personal funds to fight for causes that he believed in. Throughout my association with him, I cannot recall when he was ever funded by any NGO or association. That experience would naturally impact on anyone who worked closely with Gani. I did a lot of human rights work in that regard and I still do. I was the Chairman of the Lawyers Committee on Constitutional Rights Project.

Chief Gani Fawehinmi had several clashes with government and was incarcerated on many occasions. Were you ever arrested?

People often ask me how I didn’t get arrested and detained with Chief Fawehinmi in those days. However, we had strategies to beat that. You can imagine what would happen if we were both arrested at the same time as head and deputy head of chamber. How would the chamber function? I had to manage the office whenever he was in detention. It was necessary for us to plan strategies and we had some brave young men who were on the field. I was detained on only one occasion when we took up the case of a lady whose husband was accused of treason. He escaped from detention and his wife was arrested. Strangely enough, the wife also escaped from detention. They then came for me because I was acting for her. They asked me about her and I told them I was supposed to ask them about her because she was in their custody. There was nothing they could do to me because the lady escaped due to their negligence.

Did you at anytime persuade Chief Fawehinmi to soft-pedal?

The question never arose. We were very young then and I was single when we started. It was later on that I got married. Besides, soft-pedalling wasn’t a word that you would find in Gani’s dictionary. What was important was for us to plan the strategy and implement it. The military government was desperate at that time and they were fond of using violence to achieve their aims. However, we had to use our brains and pens against them. The military thought that Gani was planning a violent uprising but it was never part of his strategies.

How many years did you spend at Gani’s chambers before leaving?

I was there for over seven years.

What are some of the landmark cases you have handled over the years?

There are quite a number of them but I would tell you about a very important case which is still very symbolic. A certain military officer, Gen. Zamani Lekwot, was accused of inciting disturbances in the Middle Belt area of the country. We took up the case on the platform of a constitutional rights project. That was the first time that we were going to apply the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights to get somebody off the hook. We addressed a communication to the commission in Banjul. We then filed an application in Nigeria to stop the Armed Forces Ruling Council from executing him pending the determination of the proceeding of the commission. We got the order of the High Court; I think it was presided over by Justice Onalaja. It was a very significant case which made some impact, particularly with regards to the application of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.

Apart from human rights work, we also did a number of cases that impacted significantly on the commercial sector. If you look at the Law Report, you would find quite a number of them.

Based on your personal principles, are there some cases that you will stay away from?

I value integrity so much. I run away from any case that would question my integrity. I prefer integrity to riches. I try as much as possible to look at the facts of a case, particularly any aspect that could call to question our integrity. Once that arises, we drop the case. But for every other thing, we are strictly professional.

Lawyers who worked with Gani Fawehinmi are ‘expected’ not to represent people who are perceived to be corrupt. How does that work for you?

It is a very wrong notion to say that because somebody has been accused of corruption, a lawyer of integrity should not defend such a person. It is the antithesis of law. Very often, you find that the facts are not correct. It behooves the accuser to come to court with evidence. A lawyer is trained not to judge the accused by the facts that have been raised against him. I wouldn’t mention names but there was a particular case where a man was accused of stealing N53bn. It was splashed all over the media. When an objection was taken in court, the case was struck out. When they came back, they struck out the charge because the facts were not supported by evidence. What if I had run away from that case because of the huge amount of money that was attached to the case? There was another case where someone was accused of stealing money. Meanwhile, part of the evidence that they exhibited was what the money was used to do. It was official. It is wrong in every respect for anybody to attack a lawyer who has taken up a case of a man accused of murder, corruption, or any other crime. I can say from experience that most of the investigations are not thorough. I look at the facts of the cases and the principles. If there are defences that the law permits, I take it. It would be dangerous for society if people can be accused and no one to stand up for them.

What’s your take on the recent looters’ list that was recently released by the Federal Government?

I think Nigeria should rise beyond this pettifogging. You charge someone to court and the case is being tried; yet, you go ahead to display it in a list that he is a looter. What happens when the court does not convict that person? Such thing should not come from the government. The government has more serious business to contend with than this political pettifogging. There are lots of people who have been accused of corruption, yet their names are not on the list. So how do you vouch for the integrity of such a list?

Are you open to seeking political office or accepting public assignment?

It depends. I was speaking with an elder statesman who turned 90 recently and he said that good people should not run away from political office. However, I am not a member of any political party as of now.

What are some of your most challenging moments over the years?

One of the most challenging moments of my life was when I lost my immediate elder brother in 1981. We were very close and his death happened suddenly; there were no signs at all. We had a very tight bond. I couldn’t deal with his death for a long time.

A lot of young lawyers have been groomed in your chambers. How have you accomplished this?

I see myself as a teacher. As a matter of fact, I used to teach on part-time basis at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Isolo, Lagos. I taught there for about a year but because of my busy schedule, I couldn’t continue with it. I still have the intention of going back to teach if I have the opportunity. In this office, we try to give opportunities to every lawyer; which was how I was trained in Gani’s chambers. We started appearing at the Supreme Court when we were barely a year old at the bar. At that time, rarely were lawyers lesser than seven years at the bar allowed at the Supreme Court. Those are the same things we do in this office now.

Two of your children are lawyers too. Did you influence their decisions?

I wouldn’t say that I influenced them but there could be influence by conduct and association. If you see your dad dress up in the morning and go to court and he retires to his study when he comes back; intuitively, you might begin to think along that line. My first child studied law and he took that decision on his own. My daughter, who is also a lawyer, didn’t want to study law initially. I would not rule out the possibility that they were influenced by my conduct.

A lot of lawyers aspire to rise to Senior Advocates of Nigeria. How long did it take you to become one?

You know Chief Fawehinmi didn’t take the silk for a very long time, not because he was not qualified but because some powers within the system didn’t want him to be one. Eventually, he took the silk in 2001 after so many issues. I became a silk when I was 20 years at the bar. In terms of experience, a SAN is a leader at the bar. Being a leader, you must ensure that you lay good examples in terms of your attitude to work and your integrity.

What do you think of the selection process of SANs?

I think the system now is better. Now, they do the short list and they visit the office to know what you have on the ground. There is also an interview that is conducted. To a large extent, the procedure in place now is commendable.

Many court orders have not been obeyed by the government. What impact does that have on the strength of the rule of law in the country?

It is not good for our democracy because the supremacy of the rule of law should not be in doubt. As a matter of fact, that is what makes democracy attractive. The military government doesn’t obey laws; so, if you have a democratic government that does not obey laws, there is no difference between the two of them. The judiciary should be the balance between the government and the people. Doing otherwise is inviting anarchy into the system. The court is the last hope of the common man.

What are some of the lapses you have noticed in young lawyers that you think can be corrected?

They have to be more serious and thorough. They should always pay attention to details if they want to succeed. You also have to read widely to be able to understand the principle behind any decision. The problem really is that even our courts just scratch the principles on the surface. If you read the judgments of people like Oputa, Obaseki, Coker, among others, you would find deeper jurisprudential analysis. We don’t get that these days. If the courts can look more into that, it would also help.

What do you think are the most pressing challenges in the legal profession?

Our courts are poorly equipped. I don’t see any reason any judge should still be writing judgments in longhand in 2018. How much would it cost to buy electronic recording gadgets for our courts all over Nigeria, considering the money that the executive and legislature spend?

Can you recall how you met your wife?

I met her after my first degree when I was about to start NYSC. She was at the University of Ife then. She is a relative of a childhood friend of mine. I had actually known her before that time but it was from a distance. I was posted to Oyo State for my national service and that afforded me the opportunity to get closer to her.

What attracted you to her?

The first day I saw her, I knew she would be my wife. I told her that but she didn’t believe. If you have a discerning spirit, there are people you would meet and you would know that they don’t flow well with your spirit. And there are others you would meet and gravitate towards.

How did you propose to her?

In those days, there weren’t fancy ways of proposing like you have now. I wrote a letter to her. I was a very good love letter writer in those days.

How do you maintain work-life balance?

I used to neglect holidays before but I don’t joke with it again. When it is time for holidays, I switch off and go. It is very necessary for the body, particularly because of the kind of work we do. We do mental work and that’s why you see lawyers age so fast because they are always thinking of other people’s problems. My advice to every lawyer is that they should go on holidays.

How do you unwind?

I relax with my wife, children and close friends. Whenever I travel on vacation, I meet with friends from different parts of the world and we have fun.

What are your hobbies?

I like to read but these days, I don’t find enough time to do that. I try as much as possible to read non-legal books these days. I have many books on my shelf that I haven’t had time to read. I am really trying to cultivate time to do that more. When I travel abroad, I also like to sit at the beach and observe the ocean. The work of God is amazing.

How do you like to dress?

Strictly speaking, the legal profession is largely conservative. To that extent, one has to be moderate in style. However on weekends, I like to be in traditional attire, especially when I have to attend social events. On Saturdays, I also wear casual attire. I like the colour white.

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by Taiwo Ojoye via Punch Newspapers
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